Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm headed off to go get some vaccinations today.

Ever since I've gotten really serious about this (aka--going to SKorea), each week I feel like I get a new problem/thing to worry about.  This week it's been the fear of getting sick.

I know that most likely I will get ill within the first one or two months of living abroad.  I just have not been exposed to the bugs and flues that are over there.  But, like all my other past worries (communication with home, packing, what to wear, language barrier, etc) I slowly seem to be working my way through them.

This weekend, I stocked up on some daily vitamins and a big ol' bottle of Vitamin C (it was buy one get one free so I couldn't complain!).  I also got some pepto bismil (in the pill form because a) they were kinda cute, b) so much easier to travel with) and some anti-acid stuff.  I know that I could buy these in Korea but I'm thinking if I'm having an upset stomach, it might want some "comfort medicine"  (not anything illegal!) just stuff that a) I can read, b) know the correct dosages for, c) have taken before so I know how it works.

Today I'm off to go see the Travel Immunization clinic.  Looking through some World Health Travel Immunization Websites, I think I'm looking for Hep A, Hep B, typhoid, Japanese enchephalitis, Malaria, H5N1 (bird flu), and then the American Flu shot (just to cover the basics).  I'm pretty sure I'm covered on some of these just because I've been going to public school my whole life and had to get some of these just because.  But it will be good to talk to a doctor about staying safe, clean water, and staying healthy.

Because, as much as I'm hoping I like teaching, being sick could make the situation indefinitely more sucky.

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