Thursday, October 14, 2010


As I am documenting the going-ons of getting ready for living in a foreign country, it would be remiss not to mention what I am feeling.  And, because I am a girl, I tend to feel quiet a few things all at once--which can be a little (aka: A LOT) annoying.

Anyway, the saying-goodbye is the hardest part of this whole experience (so far).  Patience one is forced to become accustomed to, but saying goodbye is never something that becomes easier. Because I am saying goodbye to some pretty amazing people.  I do have experience with goodbyes, though it doesn't make it any better.  At 18, I went off to college five states away (a suck-y 12 hour drive).  And I've traveled abroad a couple times so this is not unfamiliar. 

But the stretched out part of this goodbye is quiet a bit more, dare I say, nauseating.  My stomach has been twisted for a while, my shoulders do feel heavy and my heart hurts knowing that I will be missing my family very much.  (And I use to term family loosely, like the anthropologist that I am.  Family, to me, is not necessarily a blood relation.  Friends from South Carolina became my family and that relationship does not go away simply because we are no longer living across the hall in a dorm, or roommates, or don't get the weekly coffee anymore. You are my *cough cough* nonsanguinial family--sorry I did take a course specifically devoted to "what is a family" so I will have to thrown in a fun term to two).

Anyway, these are some of the things that I know I will miss:

My family: Dad, Mom, Me and my little brother.  
Including the animals we love: (My baby: Tullah, Ozzie the boston, and Lucy, everyone's family bulldog)

More family

My Sisters
(at least the Greek ones anyway)

Best Friends
Please forgive me, ladies, for using older photos.  

Wild family adventures
This was an adventure race in Indiana. 
Who would have thought 6 hours of running, canoeing, biking, a slip 'n' slide, and 
frisbee golf could be so much fun!?

Some Gamecock Football 
(which, of course, they are doing pretty stupendous right now!
Anyone not from SC, please forgive me, but I would be remiss if I didn't say:
Go Cocks!)

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