Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Camp: Weather Day

Date: 1/7/11

Week Two of Winter Camp, a Wednesday Was Weather Day.  Okay...that was fun just to have all those Ws in a row.  I'm a nerd like that--have to enjoy the small pleasures in life!

The first period basically was another, "lets see how much you know" period.  They knew a lot so I basically abandoned the worksheet I had and we did brainstorming about weather words.  I put a word on the board and then they had to come up and write a word associated with the big bubble word.

We did four of these, and they couldn't repeat a word once it had been used on one brain storm bubble.  Thus, we arrive to "crying people" when thinking about storm.

Next we came did a Jeopardy game dealing with weather.  Doing Jeopardy games are a great way to fill a period because the kids really enjoy them and you can tailor them quiet easily to any subject.

For the last period we made rainsticks.  I had this idea for part of my Survivor themed camp and thought I could roughly attach it to the Weather Day because, hey, RAINstick--of course it works!  So I showed them a really quick powerpoint that was extremely stereotypical and over-simplified of Native Americans and what Rain Sticks are.  I had asked the students all week to bring in paper towel rolls, and then I brought in some dried rice, beans, aluminum foil, and in the arts and crafts supplies we colored paper for decorating, tape and scissors.

I took them through the steps and we finished just in time--with one or two students actually starting to decorate.  I was actually a little floored because everyone stayed an extra 20-30 minutes to keep decorating their rain stick.  I did NOT expect that!

Putting Beans in the rain stick... 
Shake Shake...."It doesn't sound like rain!"
Decoration time.

Danny was probably the best English speaker of the bunch and he was quiet witty.  This is his rainstick....
One little rainstick. Two Little Rainstick.  All lined up in a row.

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