Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jeju: Day 2: Tea Farm

Date: 12/26/2010

After the Acrobatic Show, we went to O'Sulloc's Tea Farm.  I don't really understand how a Korean tea farm has such a Irish sounding name, but *shrug* oh well.

We got out of the bus and it was snowing like mad!  But we huddled around the giant tea pot and cup at the entrance and took a group photo:
Say Kimchi!  

Then we had an hour to goof off around the Museum and farm.

Sarah in the tea field.  

It basically stopped snowing directly after we took the group photo (our lucky, right?), but everyone was scattered so nothing we could do.  A group of us walked up the road to take some photos of a cool looking tree.  The snow was beautiful on it because it fell only one direction so half the tree was white the other half was green....
Sarah and I <3 pretty tree.
Then we went into the tea musuem, which presented the history of tea in the Asian culture.  It was neat, but a lot of reading and I didn't really feel like reading.  You could buy some tea grown at the farm--but everything was SUPER expensive.  Sarah and I got a little bored so we reverted to our natural state--Children.

We played Hide 'n' Seek in the Bamboo:

And started another snow ball fight.  What can we say?  Sarah and I love snow.  And in our minds snow = fun = play time!

And we weren't the only ones who thought so.  See the young girl in the photo?  Her brother is standing right outside the frame.  Sarah and I both have really bad aim and "accidentally" lobbed a snowball at him.  He didn't really mind, though.  In fact, after we ran down the mountain, he followed up, ended up cornering me in some shrubs, and threw a couple snow balls at me.  Which prompted me to run after him like a crazy...err...waygook (foreigner)--which, for some Koreans, that might be redundant.  Crazy = Foreigner.

It was great.  The tea farm wasn't really a high light, but the snowball fight at the farm definitely was on my top 5 of Jeju Vacation List.

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