Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Camp: Clothes!

Date: 1/8/2011

Week Two of Winter Camp was good.  I had settled into the idea of Camp and was able to effectively plan approximately 3 hours of material.  I was starting to know my students, although I still struggled with names because I am just lousy at names.

I followed the same format for Week Two as I did Week One.  A movie at the end of the week, and picking out topics that were loosely related to the movie.  I choose Wall-E as the movie because I know it didn't really have any English.  I figured the kids would get a break and we could talk about the movie afterwards.  My student's English was super high, maybe low-medium as far as my students go.  It was a good class.

For Day 6 I had planned a lesson about clothes.  The first period was more about analyzing what kind of vocabulary they had.  We went through the different types of clothes: tops, pants, dresses, shoes, accessories and the kids had a solid understanding of all those.  Which made playing the game a lot easier in the 2nd period.

We played a "Shopping Game" for 2nd period.  I put the students into groups of 4.  Then we reviewed American money and I handed out some monopoly money.  Each team had roughly $200.  Then I pulled one student in each group up to the front and told them they were the Store Clerk.  The other three would be customers.  Then we ran through the prescribed dialogue.

SK: "Hello."
C: "Hello."
SK: "How can I help you?"
C: "I'd like a pink top."
SK: "Alright. That's $X."
C: "Here you go. Thanks!"
SK: "Thanks! Come Again.

If I could do it again, I would not separate the group first.  I would run through the Dialogue why the students are still sitting down.  Then we could take turns being shop keeper and customer so that they had practice with both before we start.  But that's something that I learned.  Will do that next time.

I put an outfit on the powerpoint slide.  It had 3 times to buy: Top, pants, and either shoes, accessories, or a bag.  (One for each costumer...see, I'm smart!)   I handed the Shop Keeper a print out of the outfit parts.  And I said go.  We had 4 four rounds of clothes so that everyone was Shop Keeper.  Each round they got a point for being the first team to get all the clothes.  If I heard them speaking Korean, the team was disqualified for the round.

I had a lot fun watch the kids do this game.  They got really into it.

For the finally period we did a couple things.  First we played "Dress Mr. Potato Head."  To start, I showed a couple pictures of Mr Potato Head Dressed up--as Darth Vader, a ghost, and other costums.  Then I showed them a piece paper with just a brown oval on it.  I had them describe Mr Potato Head to me--they're own image of what Mr Potato Head should look like.  I didn't let them see what I was drawing.  After each student had given me a descriptor, I showed them my Mr Potato Head.  They thought that was great.  Then, I put them in two groups and one team would give descriptors while the other drew.  

They enjoyed this one a lot.  And we got some funny Mr Potatoes.

Finally, we finished the class off with some charades.

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