Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Camp: Family Day

Date: 1/4/2011

After a rough first day, I was ready to get back in the saddle for day two.  I was still feeling a little blue, and extremely nervous because I only had one student who even tried to speak to me.

But I was determined not to have another bomb day so I put on my big girl pants and screw on my teacher's cap and get ready for class.

I go in and try to learn names in the ten minutes before class when there are like 3 kids there.  Slowly more start coming in, and I've basically gotten two names down before Mrs Lee comes in and says, 'Oh, you no need Korean names" to me and then looks at the students and says, "What your English names?"

Picking out names in a foreign language is always sure to have some funnies, and I wasn't disappointed with my kids.

For girls I have: Susan, Anne, Beth, Cherry,  Onew and Jake.  Yes, I know Jake is a male name, but I didn't bat an eyelash.  And Onew is a fan of SHINee--one of the popular K-pop boy bands and Onew is one of the singer's names.  Granted, the name is also a boy name, and I learned another Korean name instead of her own Korean name, but really, I just nod and smile.

For Boys I have: Tom, John, Danny, Macaw, Beetle, and Joker.

We start the 2nd day off with Ice Breakers: 2 Truths and A Lie.  Basically, you say two true things about yourself and sneak in a 3rd fact that is a lie.  The other people have to guess the lie.  It's a good way to learn things about students and it got them to speak English.  I had the students write their facts down first so they could have them in hand and not get embarrassed, and then we went around the class.  Believe it or not--this took 45 minutes.

Then we spent the second hour talking about family.  Family words, family relationships, do they include pets in their family, etc.  I passed out a worksheet with a giant box on one side, and then the other had family based questions on back.  They paired up, drew their partner in the box, I collected the papers, rearranged them and passed them back out.  They then had to find their partner (Using English questions: Is this you?  Who do you think this is?).  When they found their new partner, they sat down and asked the questions on the back.  This worked really well.  (I'll admit, I stole this draw-your-partner-pass-paper-around from EPIK Orientation.)

The 3rd Period I passed out a puzzle.  They had to draw my family tree.  I gave them 12 clues about my family: Karen is married to Randy.  David is Karen's sister.  Marla is David's mother.  Maggie is Marla's granddaughter, etc.  The students then had to make my family tree.  This resulted in some very funny results where my mom was married to my younger brother, or I was married to my cousin.  It was fun.

Drawing on the scrap paper. 
Apparently, My mother is my sibling.  My father gave birth to my mother....?  Hm....

They finished!  From left to right:  Joker, Macaw, and Beetle.  

Up close!
These girls told me that it was too hard.  They couldn't figure it out...I sat down with them and slowly explained one line of the puzzle.  I asked them to explain the next line, and they easily understood.  And then they went, "AH!" You could see the light bulb click.  
And then they were so excited to show me their family tree...Can you tell....?
Talk about feeling much more confident after the Family Day.  It was a good "get back in the saddle" day.  

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