Monday, January 3, 2011

Jeju: Lunch and Snow Fight!

Date: 12/25

On Christmas Day, we get to Jeju and head over to the Black Pork Barbecue restaurant as soon as we land.  It was some might-y good food!

Cook it on the table--I love it!

Yummy yummy!
See, Lisa and I like it so much we made a heart!  Our first of many Korean-inspired photographs!
Sarah and I get done fairly quickly and she pops up like her pants are on fire: "Let's make a snow angel!"  Always one for some fun in the snow, I agree and we head outside to go find an undisturbed patch of snow.  We find it behind the restaraunt.

Sarah's First Snow Angel. 
 Seakjin (Adventure Korea owner, and really cool Korean man) comes out of the restrooms and sees us starting a snow fight.  He waves his hands and says he has something really cool to show us.  We shrug, drop the snow, and follow him.  He showed us the flower that only blooms in the winter.  Look how pretty!

Then, back to our snow fight!

We got a few people to join in with us.  Saekjin and Angelina mostly--other people came out and looked at us like we were being "juvinelle."  And, to some extent we were, but really, we were having fun!  

Snow down the back!  Down the BACK!  AHH!
Next we had on to the Trick Art Musuem, which is going to get a posting all of it's own because it was pretty awesome!

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