Friday, November 19, 2010

Oku School Festival (Part 3: Outside Festival)

Date: 11/12/2010

After the morning auditorium shows were done, everyone had two hours to goof off until lunch.  There were a bunch of activities out in the courtyard.  These are varied and seemingly random--but, hey, just go with the flow.  They make for some good laughs!

Face-Painting: A staple at every festival.  I got a blue sheep.

In the back there is a "Joker" face, and the boy next to me is getting a Panda face.

My fabulous artist!

This was my guide for the day--her name is Hong Seo-young  (Or I guess, it's Seo-young Hong.  Hong is her family name).  She speaks really REALLY REALLLLLYYY!!! good English and is just pretty fabulous all around.  She wants to practice her English so she attaches herself to me.  I didn't mind one bit, she is a sweet heart.  And pretty funny too!  Here she is objecting to the boy (another really good English-speaking student who attaches himself to me) for the picture he suggested painting on her...

They settled on a fairy....
A Cold Treat:  Basically they take a little ball of chocolate and drop it in Liquid Ice.  It freezes (I guess) and when you bite it (which I didn't think you really were suppose to eat things frozen by Liquid Ice, but hey, what do I know?) you get "smoke breathe."  The poster says it all:

Does it make so much more sense now?  I like the picture the best--It is also the only part I can actually understand...

The mad scientists

I love this picture of Seo-young.  Perfect!

I waited too long to eat my treat (I don't know...something about the Nitrus made me nervous!  But, you can see a good picture of my crazed blue sheep!
Next, there were random activities that are traditional Korean games.

Throw and...

Aim.  It was very difficult.

I stunk!

To get prize, you had to get 4 out of 6.  Or...just be a foreigner.  I got a bag of popcorn for making one in!  Yes, for Waygooks!
The final outside fun thing was a Lemon-eating competition.  Yes, you read that right.  Lemon eating.  When one of the teachers told me about this earlier in the morning, I simply thought he didn't know the right English word and/or mispronouncing it.  I was wrong.  He was correct.  A Lemon Eating Competition.  How face can you peel and eat a whole lemon?  And this was, by far, the most popular activity.  

It was very well organize--a stop watch, a judge, a listening judge (they stopped the time once you could whistle), and a general get-the-crowd roaring man.  It was great!  

First contestant.  he used the "chunks of peel at a time" method.

He used the "corn husker" method. 

You can spit out the peel into the box. 

This guy got all the way through the peeling--but couldn't swallow the lemon--which is ALOT harder than just chew and swallow.  I would know--I did it!
I couldn't really not do it.  I mean, how many times are you going to be at a Lemon eating competition.  It was madness.  And it was fun.  You are currently reading the 3rd Fastest Lemon Eater at Oku Middle School's blog!  I peeled and ate a whole lemon in 40 seconds flat.  The winner, the guy in the first picture, finished in 36 seconds. ...

Chew, chew, chew, SPIT, chew, chew, chew, SPIT!

This is the, "Holy Crap!  I have a WHOLE LEMON in my mouth!  It's a lot BIGGER than I thought!"  Chew chew chew chew SWALLOW chew chew chew chew SWALLOW---okay!  Whistle!  40 SECONDS!
It was a blast.  I actually had a really good time doing this.  It was one of those moments where I know I'll probably never forget.  Just too random.  One of the moments where I said, "Oh, I love Korea."  

Next, we headed in for some indoor activities.  This is going to be a new post.  There are just too many crazy-factors for me to put it in the same post.  Caution--if you do not like various approached to Sex Education--you may want to skip the next posting.  That's all I'm saying.

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