Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Apartment

Date 11/8/2010

I realized yesterday that I had not posted any pictures of my apartment.  So I cleaned up a little bit and snapped a few photos.  I hope you enjoy my home--it's just starting to feel like a home now.  I finally bought some hangers so all my clothes aren't piled up in a corner, and on Saturday night I had a really good nights sleep (probably the first one) in my bed.

So, here is my Glory Ville Apartment:

My bedroom.  Included in my contract where: bed, mattress, table and 2 chairs, refrigerator, a tv, microwave, stove, closet, and washer.  I had to buy the linens, that little night stand/drawer set, and basically everything else you see.  But I think I'm almost all finished with buying things so this is how it will look for a year.

The Other angle.  The balcony is my washer/dryer area--not a sitting area.  

My kitchen.  It's very cute!

My closet!  I'm very proud that everything is hanging up.  I think it might just be the right amount of room.  

My washer.  The Koreans don't buy W/D in pairs--you hang your clothes up and let the air dry.  (Or, I know some teachers have told me you put them on the floor and, because the floors are heated, you get a natural humidifier.  I haven't tried that one yet...)

My bathroom.  The shower is basically a hose that runs from the sink to a hand-held faucet in the upper left corn of this picture (sorry it isn't included in the shot).  I close my bathroom door, turn on the faucet, push the little button on the side of the sink, and the water is redirected to the shower hose.  I brought that purple towel with me because, so far, I've only seen itty-bitty bath towels--not the nice plush ones. Good bring!

Entrance/Exit Hallway.  All my shoes are in the little cubby right there with a few of them (the ones that I use often) sitting out.  
I really like my little home.  It's very small, but it fits me and all my needs.  It is also a little cocoon of safety from the outside foreign world.  If I ever want to get away from the Korean-ness of the world, I can hole up in here, turn on a radio station from home (yah! for live-listen radio!), and just veg out.  Very nice.

Plus, this is free for me.  My contract pays for it!  I basically have to pay for electric and gas--which should come to around $40 a month, a cell phone (another $40), and transportation (this month will be maybe $15).  Pretty good deal!

Hope you liked my room!

1 comment:

  1. so cute maggie!! I love it!! good job bringing the big cushy towel!
