Tuesday, March 15, 2011

White Day

Date: 3/14/2011

In Korea there is one day a month that is devoted to couples.  I'm not joking!  I had a friend post this on facebook and I wanted to share--because today is March's Couple's Day: White Day.

January 14 =Diary Day (buy a journal as a gift for GF & BF)
February 14 =Valentine's Day (GF treats BF, generally candy)
March 14 =White Day (BF treats GF, generally candy)
April 14 =Black Day (Singles meet, eat 짜짱면 and try to meet someone special)
May 14 =Rose Day (couples...) or Red Day (Singles meet, eat 떡뻑기 and try to meet someone special)
June 14 =Kiss Day (couples what?!?!) or Yellow Day (Singles meet, eat curry n rice and try to meet someone special)
July 14 =Silver Day (couples get promise rings) or Blue Day (cry if you still don't have someone special)
August 14 =Green Day (couples date in the forest to avoid the hot weather)
September 14 =Music Day (couples go nightclubbing and introduce their friends to GF/BF)
October 14 =Wine Day (couples go to a restaurant for fine dining and wine)
November 14 =Movie Day (couples watch movie/s)
December 14  =Hug Day (couples... yeah, that's all you do ^_~ )

So, last month, the girls bought their boyfriends a gift.  Usually pretty small.

But today, the girls are all anxiously waiting for what the boy will surprise them with.  I think there's an unspoken rule that the gift must be 3x the amount of the gift the girl bought him, and chocolate, for some reason, is a no-no.  (Which just sounds silly to me!  No chocolate?  What?!)

You can buy your girlfriend a gift virtually anywhere.  Sarah and I were walking around Gunsan and it seemed that every little mom 'n' pop stop had at least a small display of White Day materials.  I took my camera out at Lotte Mart.

The Lotte Mart White Day Aisle:

They seem to make something out of cardboard boxes every holiday.  This time: LOVE DOVES!
You can get your little someone's gift giftwrapped.  I love these ladies outfits.  Usually they are red and selling make-up, toilet paper, or shampoo...but sometimes they sell the special items.  

Gift wrap area
Consult with the gift-wrap lady about good and bad gifts
The most popular gift is candy--and they do not have a shortage!
I love their cute-E candy here and thought I'd share:
A giant box of mentos--yummy
YO!-gurt!  I have no idea what a "tos" is...but Men Love Mesenger Tos-es.  
Funny shaped lollipops
I don't know...I just love that the box is already decorated with a bow...no gift wrap necessary.
As always, Mickey and Daffy somehow show up in the holiday seeason
The other big gift is a teddy bear/stuffed animal of some sort. I found a really soft one!

Just one small problem:
Hmmm...just take the tag off before you handover the present and it will be all good!

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